
Search Engine Optimization Service (SEO Starter Pack)

(1 customer review)


Search Engine optimization (SEO) Service is a set of strategies and techniques used to improve the visibility of a website or a web page in search engine results pages (SERPS).

“This is SEO Starter pack”

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SEO PLAN    :  Starter Pack

Number of Keywords  : 10

Total Monthly Cost :  ₹ 8,999 +18%GST

Initial Research & Analysis

Keyword Research and Analysis : Yes

Keyword Finalization : Yes

Keywords Mapping/Bucketing : No

Check Website for Google Penalty : No

Account Set Up & Configuration

Google Analytics Account Set Up & Review Configuration : Yes

Google Webmaster Account Set Up & Review Configuration : No

Google Plus Business Listing Creation ( If already, optimize) : No

On-Page SEO Activities

Review URL Structure & Recommend SEO Friendly URLs : Upto 5 Pages

Unique Meta Tags Audit and Suggestion : Upto 5 Pages

Title Tags : Upto 5 Pages

Meta Description : Complete Website

H1 Tags : Complete Website

Image Optimization : No

Content Analysis & Modification for SEO : No

Review Web Pages Layout & Design : No

Recommend Call to Action on Web Pages : No

Canonical Analysis & Resolution : Yes

Robots.txt Analysis & Creation : Yes

XML Sitemap Analysis & Creation : Yes

Navigation Analysis & Suggestion : No

Internal Links of Web Pages : No

Website Load Time Analysis & Recommendation : Yes

Broken Link Analysis & Rectification : No

Crawling – Website Health

Crawl complete website and fix errors (if any) : Suggest

Update & Resubmit XML Sitemap in Google Webmaster : Quarterly

Review & Update Robots.txt (if required) : Quarterly

Google Webmaster Tool(Website Health)

Check HTML Improvement : Quarterly

Duplicate Title Tags : Quarterly

Duplicate Meta Description : Quarterly

Check Crawl Errors : Quarterly

Server Errors : Quarterly

Soft 404 Errors : Quarterly

404 Page Not Found : Quarterly

Indexing of URLs

Keep Reviewing Website for Smooth indexing : Quarterly

Fix Issues Hindering the Indexing of URLs : Quarterly

Monitor Indexing of URLs Closely : Quarterly

Share Report on Indexing Status : Quarterly

Schema or Micro-data Implementation

Schema Code for Logo : No

Schema Code for Address : Yes

Schema Breadcrumbs : No

Schema on Products : No

Off-Page SEO Activities

Article Writing & Submission (500 Words) : 1

Blog Writing & Submission (350 Words) : 1

Guest Post Writing & Submission (600 Words) :  1

Press Release Writing & Submission (500 Words) : 0

Business Listing : 20

Google My business profile Creation : Yes

QnAs : 10

Social Activities

Social Bookmarking :  Yes

Social Sharing : Yes

Web 2.0 Profile Creation : 10

Google Review Posting : 10


Monthly Reporting :  Yes


  • We do SEO using white hat techniques. Reporting is on monthly basis.
  • Ranking is dependent on Keyword Difficulty.
  • Our Work is result oriented and is conducted by experienced team comprising of Digital marketers,
    SEO specialists, SEO analysts, SEO Executives.
  • Payment Terms : 65% Advance amount will be required to be credited before commencing project
    and remaining 35% to be credited after work. Payment is Non-refundable in case project/work has
    been completely delivered/finished to the client. Payment can be made by UPI/ Bank Transfer.

1 review for Search Engine Optimization Service (SEO Starter Pack)

  1. Tanvi Shah

    I was impressed with the way this company handled our SEO needs. They were professional and knowledgeable, and our website’s rankings have improved significantly.

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