
Online Reputation Manangement(ORM) Service

(1 customer review)


Online Reputation Management (ORM) is a set of practices and techniques designed to monitor and manage a person’s or company’s online reputation. With the increasing importance of online presence, ORM has become a critical component of any business or individual’s overall branding strategy.



ORM services typically involve monitoring various online platforms, such as social media, review sites, and search engine results, for mentions of the individual or business. These services use various tools to track online activity and identify any negative reviews, comments, or other content that may harm the reputation of the individual or business.

Once negative content has been identified, ORM services work to remove or mitigate its impact. This may involve contacting website administrators to request content removal, responding to negative comments or reviews, or creating new, positive content to push negative content down in search results.

In addition to addressing negative content, ORM services may also work to build a positive online presence for the individual or business. This can involve creating and maintaining social media profiles, developing a content strategy, and engaging with online communities to build a positive reputation.

Overall, ORM services are an essential tool for any business or individual looking to maintain a positive online presence. By actively monitoring and managing online reputation, individuals and businesses can protect their brand image and maintain customer trust and loyalty.

1 review for Online Reputation Manangement(ORM) Service

  1. Advait Kapoor

    I have recommended the company to several of my colleagues, and they have all experienced the same level of satisfaction. The company truly delivers on their promises

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